Student gets educated about sexual harassment at work

Bay Area college students look forward to getting their careers started. After years of hard work, it is quite the accomplishment to enter the workplace, ready to earn one’s way up in a company. Though many students begin a career as the low man on the totem pole, with hard work and dedication, many establish careers that can last for decades. Unfortunately, some students become victims, and one student is speaking out about the prevalence of sexual harassment in the workplace. 

After a friend confided in a fellow student about her experience with sexual harassment at work, the young lady wanted to know why her friend had not tried to take action against the employees who had harassed her. The friend explained that she didn’t know what to do, and that she certainly did not want to risk losing the job she had worked hard for or facing retaliation at work. The young woman decided to interview others with similar experiences and found that it is not unusual for a victim to suffer in silence out of fear or intimidation. 

The law takes sexual harassment at the workplace very seriously, and victims need to know that help is available to them. In addition to counseling and other healing services, victims should also take legal action. In addition to standing up for themselves, victims can help make sure the harassment is not allowed to continue, protecting themselves and other employees. 

If a Bay Area resident feels that he or she is facing sexual harassment in the workplace, he or she needs to muster the courage to come forward and take action. This may sound frightening, as it may be intimidating to testify against a senior employee. Many victims choose to bring an experienced attorney along. An attorney can help a victim speak out and seek legal justice against the parties who have caused the suffering, while protecting a victim’s rights and reputation in his or her chosen field of employment.